As a User Experience Design Intern, I was able to delve into the realm of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) and their potential to promote accessibility has been truly transformative. With my chosen focus on designing a new line of AMRs for visually impaired individuals, my work comes at a pivotal time with the legalization of autonomous delivery robots to operate on public roadways in Japan passing in April of this year, making this pursuit more pertinent than ever before.

From compiling comprehensive research, both online and through in-person interactions, to ideating my own accessible service designs for AMRs, my journey has been a creative exploration. Anchoring my work to the values and needs of stakeholders, I crafted a map of application ideas and envisioned the intricate journey each idea could facilitate. By learning applications like Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects, I demonstrated my prototype idea. Designing and conducting user tests was a pivotal phase of my internship, it allowed me to collect valuable feedback to generate key insights and inspire change in future iterations of my prototype design. It was also a great way to bond with my coworkers across offices!

Throughout my internship, I had the privilege to not only learn about cutting-edge robotics but also immerse myself in the culture and context that drive innovation in Japan. What I will remember most is the awesome team of designers I worked with who welcomed and helped me both in and outside of the office. Whether I needed to practice and get feedback on my final presentation or wanted some good ramen shop recommendations, my coworkers were always keen to help!

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Mitsubishi Electric for providing me with this incredible opportunity to contribute to their future line of AMRs with a human-centric focus. This internship has not only broadened my horizons but also reaffirmed the power of design and innovation in driving positive change. I am excited to continue on this path of creating accessible, impactful solutions that resonate with the needs of diverse users.
My proposed designs are currently patent pending by Mitsubishi Electric
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